Rest assured, every photo is checked by a real human in our print shop and if there are any issues with your photo, we will call you to let you know before we print.

Check out our top tips on choosing the best photo:

  • Prints love colour! Bright, colourful photos look amazing when printed. 
  • Please avoid using screenshots as this affects the quality of the print. We always recommend using the original file where possible. 
  • Avoid adding 'over the top' filters to your photos. Instagram and Snapchat filters are not an issue and can enhance the photo. 
  • Photos taken from your Facebook newsfeed *can* have a low file size and may print poorly, but if this does happen we will call you to let you know.

If you have any questions at all, then please email us your photo to with a description of what it is you would like to order and we'll check it out before you order! 

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